Toyota Celica Sends SUV Flying in Bizzare Crash


If there is a single video that can show what damage speeding, following too closely, and blindly swerving can do, this would be it.

Published in Youtube last week, the dashcam video of the incident which took place in Australia, shows how a speeding Toyota Celica gets too close to an SUV, fails to slow down in time and rear ends the latter, sending it flying across two lanes, causing a bad pileup.

But it doesn’t end there as the Celica driver, in his or her miserable attempt to swerve away from the SUV, rams into a parked pickup truck, sending it flying too.

Thankfully, it is said that no fatalities were reported in the seven-car pileup, but how a car the size of a Celica can send the SUV shows how unpredictable and dangerous the outcomes are if a crash is to take place while one is speeding. 


Australia crash crash Dashcam Toyota

